Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Someone you love needs this

Just read a good publication for people who have a disability that would make evacuation difficult. Read pp. 4-6 about 9/11, and you will see how important it could be to make plans for and practice rapid evacuation.


It was a good consciousness-raising experience for me, a non-disabled person (or, as some might say, temporarily able-bodied, or TAB).

The document encourages people to take responsibility for their own special needs, to the extent possible, yet also makes it clear that everyone needs to pitch in. And isn't that exactly what everyone has been saying about emergencies in general? No one agency, person, family, or jurisdiction can implement an effective response in a vacuum. Just as we hope that our federal, state, and local officials will work together, individuals will have to, also.

If you know someone who has a communication or mobility impairment in particular, show him or her that you care, and share this information today.

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