Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I-70 closing tests travelers

What a way to end the year -- I-70 closed late Sunday, December 30th, stranding people returning to the metro area after a day of skiing.

The hotels, already full with holiday travelers, accommodated as many people as possible, and emergency shelters kept most from spending a cold night in their cars. The Red Cross, which opened 11 shelter sites, reports that it housed 2,400 people that cold night. And the Salvation Army opened an additional two.

But what if peoples' cars had been stranded on the highway for the same 20 hours, due to heavy snow or avalanches? Would skiiers and vacationers have been able to wait out the storm?

And what would it take to spend a freezing cold Summit or Eagle County night in your car?

I asked an expert at the Colorado Division of Emergency Management this very question.

His suggestions: blankets, winter clothing (including hat, mittens, boots), water, portable radio, and at least some food, for comfort if not nutrition (most of us could live much longer than 20 hours without food!). And oh, yes, he added, "another warm body" is part of his planning!

I might add some basic car safety supplies, such as a shovel and flares.

What about you? Would you have had the basic supplies and equipment with you if you had planned a day trip? What would be most important to you?

Send in your comments today!

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